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March 1994
March 1994
Matts takes his first bath, Maria celebrates her birthday at grandma's house
April 1994
April 1994
The family celebrates Easter at Grandma's house, Lolo visits, Matt is baptized
May 1994
May 1994
The boys lounge in front of the TV, Matt takes a snooze on Grandma, Karen and friends go to prom
June 1994
June 1994
Matt and dad hang out, OJ Simpson gets arrested (see 10:10), lots of time in the swing, Matt tries real food and hates it
July 1994
July 1994
Matt and dad watch the Wimbledon finals, Lolo and Lucy keep Matt company
August 1994
August 1994
Matt frolics in his baby walker, gets kisses from Lucy, and plays with dad
Cape Cod 1994
Cape Cod with the Wilmots 1994
The gang spends some quality end-of-summer time together, pig pile on Barb, Dave-powered rowboat
September 1994
September 1994
More walker/tummy time for Matt, a pregnant Heather visits, dinner time with mom
October 1994
October 1994
Karen Dunbar's in the local paper, Matt hangs out with Laura and Mason, more tummy time for Matt
November 1994
November 1994
The Dunbars spend Thanksgiving with the Ellington family
December 1994
December 1994
Matt's first Christmas, the Dunbar family opens presents


January 1995
January 1995
Around the house: Matt plays tug-o-war with Lucy, hangs out with dad, climbs the stairs, gives lots of smiles
February 1995
February 1995
Matt's first birthday (announced on Turn to 10), family and friends celebrate at Grandma's house, pin-the-nose on Elmo, balloon animals from questionable clown entertainment
March 1995
March 1995
Just 7 minutes of Matt being cute at home, dad comes home from work in a suit - it's very 90's
April 1995
April 1995
Blowing bubbles with Grandma, story time with Karen, hot dogs and cheese with Mom, honky tonk dance party with the family
May 1995
May 1995
Matt helps mow the lawn, Karen goes to prom (without braces this time), Dakota joins the family, story time with Grandma and Dad
June 1995
June 1995
Lolo visits, Karen graduates high school, Dad helps Matt tap into his artistic genius, Matt eats pancakes with a fork (wow!)
July 1995
July 1995
Matt and Dad hang out, Lucy catches some air balls, groovy time blowing bubbles, Lolo and Merle cook dinner at Grandma's for Karen's birthday
August 1995
August 1995
Matt helps Lolo open his present and eat his ice cream, play time with Mom and Dad, Matt and Shauna run around
September 1995
September 1995
Matt and Simba are engrossed in The Lion King, Matt runs around with a blanket on his head - nothing crazy
October 1995
October 1995
Hang out at Grandma's, play time with Lucy, ice cream from Dad, family visit to Smith College, Matt goes as Superman for Halloween and honestly isn't really excited about it
November 1995
November 1995
Matt has a blast with Big Fun Jim at Grandma's family dinner
December 1995
December 1995
Tree decorating at home, story time with Mom, Matt gets a tent from Santa, the family opens Christmas gifts together


January 1996
January 1996
At home with Matt: watching tv, giving Lucy a cracker, and eating food. Hanging out with Grandma and Karen. Dad reads a bedtime story. Matt and Dad play with trains.
February 1996
February 1996
Hanging out at home with Mom and Dad. Matt's 2nd birthday party. Feeding and playing with Lucy.
March 1996
March 1996
Matt hangs out with Shauna and Rachel.
April 1996
April 1996
Easter at home and at Grandma's (watching Balto). Feeding Lucy. Ellie is born! Spending time and eating dinner at the hospital. Ellie comes home.
May 1996
May 1996
Ellie's first bath. Lolo visits: spending time at home and Grandma's. House switch at the end of the video.
June 1996
June 1996
Close up of baby Ellie. Matt sings some songs. The Dunbar family visits someone's house.
July 1996
July 1996
Hanging out with the Ellingtons. Playing outside at Grandma's. Watching tv in the family room. Laura's wedding shower at 40 Nottingham. Another close up of baby Ellie. Matt waters plants with Grandma at her house, Ellie sits inside.
August 1996
August 1996
Matt and Dad make pancakes. Dad plays with Ellie and Matt in the family room. Uncle Jim visits. Hanging out at Grandma's with pretty much everyone. Laura and Mason's wedding.
September 1996
September 1996
Ellie sits in the family room, Matt plays around her. Bedtime and more time hanging out around the house.
October 1996
October 1996
Matt and Ellie play outside. Ellie's baptism and the party at 40 Nottingham. Matt and Ellie hangout in the family room. Halloween at Gymboree.
November 1996
November 1996
Matt and Dad rake leaves. Ellie rolls around in the family room while Matt plays. Bathtime. Playing in the family room and putting the wood table and chairs together. Thanksgiving at Grandma's.
December 1996
December 1996
Hanging out at Grandma's. Hanging out with Shauna and Rachel. Opening Christmas presents, the family comes to 40 Nottingham.


January 1997
January 1997
Matt and Ellie play in the family room, the family eats dinner
February 1997
February 1997
Matt and Dad make pancakes (this is big boy stuff!). Matt and Ellie play at Grandma's. Valentines day. Matt and Ellie play in the basement. Puppet show at the house for Matt's birthday. The family eats dinner at home. Matt eats snacks with his JCC class.
March 1997
March 1997
Ellie rolls around and eats food. Ellie and Matt spend time at Gymboree. Easter egg hunt with many children. Matt roller blades at Grandma's.
April 1997
April 1997
Winter blizzard on April 1 while Mom's away. Ellie's 1st birthday party at the house.
May 1997
May 1997
Matt and Ellie hang out in the family room and take a bath.
June 1997
June 1997
(This tape is a little corrupted). Looks like there is time hanging out at Grandma's and Matt with his JCC class.
July 1997
July 1997
Matt and Ellie go to the beach with some friends.
August 1997
August 1997
The beginning of this tape is corrupted, but towards the end there is some playing outside and bath time at home.
September 1997
September 1997
Matt and Ellie play in the family room.
October 1997
October 1997
This beginning of this tape is also corrupted. There are some good shots of Halloween at the end!
November 1997
November 1997
Tape is corrupted, but there is hanging out at home.
December 1997
December 1997
Parts of this tape are corrupted. The whole tape is the Montesorri Christmas


Ellingtons 1998
Ellingtons 1998
Fun time playing with the Ellington family.
December 1998
Christmas 1998
Mom and Ellie decorate the tree. Montessori holiday concert. Opening presents on Christmas day with the family.


Skiing / Matt Bday 1999
Skiing & Matt's Birthday 1999
Matt and Ellie take skiing lessons. Matt celebrates his 5th birthday with family and friends.
Easter 1999
Easter 1999
The whole family celebrates Easter and play by the water. Matt, Ellie, and Becca have fun at home.
Ellie's Birthday 1999
Ellie's Birthday 1999
Bouncy fun house in the back yard for Ellie's 3rd birthday. Driveway hockey, piñata, cake, opening gifts.
Spring 1999
Spring 1999
Fun time swimming. Matt and Ellie show mom their handmade plates. Matt showcases his gymnastics skills. The Dunbar boys build a swing set. Montessori end-of-year performance.
Washington 1999
Washington 1999
The family visits Jim and Lise in Washington. Play time on the trampoline, fun with sparklers, day trip to mountains and waterfalls.
Autumn 1999
Autumn 1999
First day of school at Montessori. *NSYNC karaoke at home. Lots of fall soccer. Ellie is an angel and Matt is a Ninja for Halloween. Hanging out at Grandma's. Matt tests for his yellow belt.
Christmas 1999
Christmas 1999
The family opens Christmas presents together then heads to Grandma's for more fun. Ellie jams with the boys.


January February 2000
January & February 2000
Ellie plays dress up, baking with Leenie and Alan, United Skates of America for Matt's 6th birthday
March 2000
March 2000
Matt tests for his orange belt, Ellie and Matt take ice skating lessons
Disney 2000
April 2000
The family celebrate Easter and Ellie's 4th birthday at Ted and Grace's then head to Disney to have some fun
Early Spring 2000
Early Spring 2000
The family visits the Grand Canyon, Matt and Mom have a special breakfast at Montessori, Ellie has a dress-up tea party with friends for her birthday
Late Spring 2000
Late Spring 2000
The Schaffers come to visit with a trip to the beach, end-of-year Montessori performances, Matt graduates kindergarten
Summer 2000
Summer 2000
Matt tests for his blue belt, Ellie helps dad wash the car, swimming at the Socks', camp Wheeler performance, summer soccer, fun at the beach/in the back yard, more swimming
*skip first 58 seconds
Autumn 2000
Autumn 2000
First day of school at Montessori, Dad coaches Matt's soccer game, Ellie goes as a bride and Matt is Wolverine for Halloween, Ellie rolls lumpia with Lolo
Christmas 2000
Christmas 2000
Holiday concert at Montessori, cookies for Santa, the family opens presents together


Summer 2001
Summer 2001
Fun time boogie boarding at the beach. Wiffle ball with the Hiltz family. Swimming at the pool club.
Autumn 2001
Autumn 2001
Ellie's first day of kindergarten at Bay View. Ellie and Matt play lots of soccer.
Christmas 2001
Christmas 2001
Christmas village amusement park. Montessori holiday concert. Opening gifts with the family. Matt and Ellie star in the nativity play at church.


January February 2002
January & February 2002
The kids play in the snow. Matt plays hockey. Ice skating birthday party for Matt's 8th birthday. Fun at home. Bay View mother-daughter brunch.
Spring 2002
Spring 2002
Easter egg hunt and wiffle ball. Gymnastics party for Ellie's 6th birthday. Matt's first communion. Spring baseball.
Summer Pt 1 2002
Summer Part I 2002
End-of-year school performances at Bay View and Montessori. Summer baseball. Matt tests for his karate belt.
Summer Pt 2 2002
Summer Part II 2002
Ellie's gymnastics recital. Delaware with the Ellingtons. Fun at the beach. Wheeler camp performances.
Autumn 2002
Autumn 2002
Ellie's first day of first grade. Fall soccer. Matt is a hockey player, Ellie a cat for Halloween. Ellie makes PB & J. Coppelia ballet performance (sorry).
Christmas 2002
Christmas 2002
Big/little sister gift exchange at Bay View. School holiday concerts. The family opens presents on Christmas morning. Matt's hockey games.


January February 2003
January & February 2003
Matt plays hockey. Matt and Ellie make Mom a snow day lunch. Ellie and Julia perform ballet. Matt celebrates his 9th birthday with friends.
Spring 2003
Spring 2003
Bay View mother-daughter brunch. Ellie's hula birthday party. Coppelia performance.
Spring Continued 2003
Spring Continued 2003
End-of-year school performances for Ellie and Matt. Gymnastics and baseball.
Karen's Wedding 2003
Karen and Lee's Wedding 2003
Pre- wedding celebrations at Grandma's house. Wedding day prep and ceremony.
London and Paris 2003
Christmas, London & Paris 2002
Christmas with the family. The gang visits London and Paris. Matt celebrates his 10th birthday.